Thursday, February 19, 2009

What if I'm Not A Professional Artist?

I have had several people ask me the questions "What if I'm not a professional artist, but I still love to create things and want to donate to Artists For Hope?" My answer is DONATE! Yes! Please!!! :)

Our main goal with Artists For Hope is to help the children in Haiti. There are many talented and creative people in the world that love to create things just for enjoyment and we would love to share your creativity with the world. I feel that I fall into this same category. I am a professional photographer, but I have always loved being creative and I love to draw, make jewelry, and I LOVE doing Mosaics. I don't sell my work, but I love trying new things and I often have WAY more than I know what to do with. So I end up giving my stuff away or sharing it with my friends or kids. That was part of the inspiration for this idea that turned into Artists For Hope. I think every artist has pieces they could donate or has an idea that they might want to create just for Artists For Hope.

We do want this to be a place that Professional Artists can showcase their work and let the world know about their talents through the piece(s) they have donated. I love learning about new artists and I'm excited to be able to share them with so many other art lovers.

So....we welcome ALL your creative ideas out there. Whether you paint, sew, knit, crochet, mold, build, or glue something that you would like to donate to help the children in Haiti...we would be very grateful. If you want us to share a little something about you and what you have created, that would be fine, but if you don't, we will just add your creations to our Etsy Site (or hopefully our soon-to-be ebay site) and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that when your artwork sells, it's helping to feed a child. Pretty awesome!

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